
National Engagement & Education Intern - Remote (Part-Time)

Employment typePart-Time

This job is now closed

  • Job Description

      Req#: R6573

      Are you looking to accelerate your career without having to hide your authentic self - a place where you can be you? A career that’s making a bigger impact on the world? At OneDigital, we are on a mission to help people do their best work and live their best lives. From the services we offer to the way we show up for each other each day, we are fueling dreams, achieving big goals, and embracing each other’s truest selves.

      We understand that pursuing a new job is a big deal. Maybe you’re afraid you won’t fit in. Well, here’s the good news. For us, the days of “fit in to get in” are over and being different is not a barrier to getting ahead. Greatness comes in all shapes, sizes, colors, and experience levels. If you are looking for a people-first culture that is wired for growth, driven to serve, and totally committed to having your back, give us a shot. Your best life awaits.

      Our Newest Opportunity:

      Internship Responsibilities

      • Se rv e as a con t r i bu ti n g team m e mb er o f t h e Nati on al Engagement & Education team.
      • P a r ti c i p ate in bi-w e ek ly d epa r t m ent m e e ti ng s
      • Jo in c lie n t m e e ti ng s as a ppropr iat e , p a r ti c i p ate in ne eds a ss e ssm en ts , a n d prov i d e resourc es to c lie n ts at d ir e c ti o n o f team m e mb e rs/consu lta n ts
      • Assis t w ith t h e cr eati o n o f c lie n t pr e s en t ati on s a n d employee communic ati o n m ate r ials or templates.
      • Wor k co lla bor ati v ely o n education proj e c t s ; take r e spons i b il i ty fo r on e la rg e r , s e m e s t er- l on g proj e c t t h at s e rv es to con t r i bu te to t h e m i ss i o n o f t h e pr a c ti c e a n d al s o to fu l f ill t h e i n te rnsh ip r eq u i r e m en t s o f t h e i n te rn ’s progr am
      • Re s ea rc h v en do r so l u ti on s a n d h ealth and benefits conc e rn s as n e ed ed
      • Collaborate with internal team members to create customized employer and employee education (flyers, presentations, custom videos, blog posts, white-paper, case studies, etc.)
      • P a r ti c i p ate in w e ek ly check-ins w ith i n te rnsh ip sup e rv i so r

      Required Skills

      Th e r i gh t i nd i v i du al w ill d e mons t r ate t h e fo ll ow i n g at tr i bu tes a n d comp ete nc ie s :

      • Sel f-mo ti v ate d , pro a c ti v e a n d w illi n g to take i n itiati ve/own e rsh ip o f proj e c ts.
      • A t t en t i o n to d eta il a n d a b ov e a v e r a g e org a n izati on al sk ills.
      • Re s ea rc h, a n al y ti c a l , a n d wr iti n g sk ills.
      • Eff e c ti v e commun i ca ti o n a n d co lla bor at io n sk ills.
      • D e s i r e to lea rn , gro w a n d d e v el o p sk ills.
      • Ab le to wor k r e mo tely t h e m a jor ity o f t h e ti m e.

      Typical Day of Intern

      • E a c h d ay w ill l oo k a little bit d i ff e r en t ; a n d t h e i n te r n w ill n e e d to m a n a g e mu lti p le pr i or ities a n d proj e c ts at t h e d i r e c ti o n o f t h eir sup e rv i so r.
      • I n te r n w ill m a n a g e t h eir ti m e a n d ene rg y t ow a rd s work i n g o n co lla bor ati v e proj e c ts, en g a g i n g in ta c ti c al a dm i n i s t r ati v e work , a n d p a r ti c i p at in g in c lie n t an d/o r team m e e ti ng s

      To learn more, visit:

      OneDigital is an equal opportunity employer. Not only as a matter of standard, but to honor and celebrate our differences. We believe that the power of ONE starts with you. We are committed to cultivating and preserving a culture that celebrates diversity, insists on equity and inclusion, and connects us. Ensuring our people feel seen, valued, respected, and supported is fundamental to our core values and business goals.

      OneDigital provides equal employment opportunities to all employees and applicants for employment regardless of their: veteran status, uniformed servicemember status, race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age (40 and over), pregnancy (including childbirth, lactation and related medical conditions), national origin or ancestry, citizenship or immigration status, physical or mental disability, genetic information (including testing and characteristics) or any other category protected by federal, state or local law (collectively, “protected characteristics”). A copy of the Federal EEO poster is linked here.

      Pursuant to local Fair Chance Ordinances, we will consider qualified applications with arrest or conviction records for employment. For applicable candidates, the following ordinances are linked here to inform you of your rights as an applicant:

      City and County of San Francsico

      City of Los Angeles

      County of Los Angeles

      Employment decisions shall comply with all other applicable federal, state and city/county laws prohibiting discrimination in employment. OneDigital complies with all criminal history inquiry [or ‘ban the box’] laws in California, Connecticut, Colorado, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington.

      In short, we believe in hiring the most qualified applicant for the position, regardless of background.

      If you have questions about our hiring policies and practices, we would be happy to discuss upon receiving your application. We hope to welcome you to OneDigital and look forward to hearing from you.

      Thank you for your interest in joining the OneDigital team!

  • About the company

      Strategic workplace consultants that provide a host of employee health & benefits, workforce & HR, and retirement & wealth solutions for businesses of all sizes.
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